We all want to be able to find fun ways to learn times tables right? The dreaded times tables! Don’t you worry, you will find plenty of different types of ways in this article to help support your child with learning their times tables. The most common times tables that a lot of students struggle with are the 6,7,8 and 12’s.
There is a trick on your fingers with the 9s, but don’t worry if you aren’t aware of this one, I will cover it later on for you all as I find it’s a great way to teach the 9 times tables efficiently.
Time Tables Learning Games
Keeping it fun for the children where possible is so important, especially when they are learning at home.
This first game is perfect, I might even buy this myself for my classroom!
Wooden Multipication Board Game.
These maths board game is for early education, it helps children recognize numbers and develops their maths skills. If you have this game at home it will allow your children to learn their times tables on their own or with an adult. If you have more than one child at primary education level then this is perfect for your household.
This board is made of natural wood so your child is less likely to be able to damage it and it won’t start to smell. It is designed for small hands and is easy to carry around.
This board offers two separate games –
How to play
Game 1 – Roll 2 dices, multiple the two numbers together and whoever finds the answer on the board first wins.
Game 2 – Draw a multiplication card, quickly find the answer on the board and place your little playing piece in its place, if your answer is correct you win a card. At the end of the game whoever has the most cards wins.
Buy Here – Amazon.co.uk
Easy Learning Time Tables Flash Cards
These cards cover all the times tables from 2 -12. Playing these with your children will improve their confidence in their times tables. On one side of the card is the question and on the back is the answer so they can check if they’re right. It could be fun to have your own reward system to go with this game for every one they get right on their own. Maybe stickers or magnets. You can find some here.
Buy Here – Amazon.co.uk
Hero City Board Game (Game 1) – Spin the spinner and take it in turns to move around the board. As you move around the board you can practice your times tables, checking them after with the colorful multiplication checker. You can also use the fun shield cards to create fun stories using the characters. This will encourage your creativity and imagination.
Multiplication Bingo – Now, turn the board over to play a quick game of times tables bingo! Be the first to get 3 in a row.
Buy Here – Amazon.co.uk
You can also find a bigger selection of Orchard Learning Board Games HERE.
Time Tables Workbooks
Time Tables Wipe Clean Workbook
This book is part of the wipe clean workbook collection. It has a variety of different fun times tables activities inside that are all wipe clean so if you make a mistake, no problem, wipe it off and try again! The wipe clean pen is included.
Buy Here – Amazon.co.uk
Time Tables Pull The Tab, I Can Do It!
Pull the tab to reveal the answers to the times tables once you’ve had a go at answering them yourself. You can wipe away the answers after with this one too. Ideally this book is aimed for children aged 7 and up.
Buy Here – Amazon.co.uk
Time Tables Workbook (Collins Easy Learning ks2.)
Filled with lots of questions and answers based on times tables, this book is full of colourful activities to ensure it isn’t too daunting or boring for your children. This one is for ages 7 – 11.
Buy Here – Amazon.co.uk
Time Tables Poster
Time Tables Poster
Having one of these at home is perfect for practicing times tables, however children can rely on this too much and end up not actually learning the patterns, so make sure when you’re testing your children you can cover this up.
Buy Here – Amazon.co.uk
This one is very colorful and it isn’t as obvious with the answer so it requires your children to pay attention to work out the answers which I think is better for their learning development in the long run as they’re more likely to take it in this way.
Free Learning Leapers Worksheets
- 2 and 3 Timetables
- 4 Times Tables
- 5 Times Tables
- Multiplication Madness
- 6 Times Tables
- Multiplication Grid
More to come …